On the occasion of the commemoration of World Breast Cancer Day, celebrated every October 19, and within the framework of the UNICDA Previene campaign, our university held a talk on breast cancer prevention, given by Dr. Natalia Frías Guzmán, Gynecologic Oncologist and Coordinator of the INCART Prevention Service.
On behalf of our university, the meeting was attended by Ms. Karina Taveras, Head of Extension and Mr. Erasmo Taveras, Coordinator of Student Life. On behalf of the International Network of ODS Promoters, Ms. Neris Ramos and Ms. Nellys Sánchez; for the MSME Entrepreneurial Community, Ms. Joselin Sosa, and representing the Mata Hambre Neighborhood Board, Ms. Lenin Paulino.
We thank the collaboration of all those who made this activity possible.